Tag: Jesus

  • Making the Bus Monitor Cry

    This sickens me. I am a pastor at a church located in Greece, NY. I am disgusted with the way this woman is abused. I’m angry that she had to endure this barrage of personal insults, threats, and harassment. Like several people all over Western NY (and apparently in other parts of the world as the video is…

  • If your world is falling apart, talk to someone.

      If your world is falling apart, talk to someone. I’m not writing this to make you feel good. Let’s just get that out of the way. I’m writing this specifically for someone, maybe a few someone’s, even though I truthfully do not know who any of you are. Yes, to a degree I have…

  • Text Messages

    Did you ever experience that moment when you receive a text message from someone obviously meant for someone else? Most of us can relate; we get a message that was supposed to be from one friend to another friend, or even better, one friend to their spouse. Sometimes it takes us a minute to understand what is…

  • I Want To Give You The Credit For This

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. The more I watch other people racing to take credit or basking in applause and accolades, the less I realize I want any of it. We all hate when someone filibusters during a discussion to take a rabbit…

  • That’s Great, But…

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. So you hate this guy’s tattoos or that guy’s hair. So what? So you’re convinced that every accomplished Greek Scholar at Dallas Theological Seminary is wrong and misread the Bible when it said Jesus made wine and not…

  • I’m Not Feeding Consumerism

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. In the ministry where I used to serve, I didn’t have gigantic staff or budget (by Dallas Megachurch standards, let alone Western NY), and I didn’t hide in a dark room at 2:00am to stare lustfully at the websites…

  • I’m So NOT Interested In Whining

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. I just don’t want to do this. Folks, all this that we do: it isn’t about us, or you, or me. Live with this as a core value and I’m not sure you’ll be playing victim nearly as…

  • I’m Not Getting Into An Argument About Musical Preferences

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. Some churches have a cool band to lead worship. Some do straight up hymns with a full choir & orchestra (I worked at a church that did this really well in their earlier service). Some will try an unfortunate blend of everything…

  • Success Ain’t What It Used To Be

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. I used to believe that the more I did what God wanted, the more “opportunity” He would give me. The problem is this is only kind of true. He does tend to give me opportunities more and more.…

  • I’m Not Here To Impress You

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. Life is no video game. I’m not scoring points or gaining levels and special abilities as I go. I’ve learned that as a pastor, there is a temptation to have something more impressive to say, or claim, or…