The Dangerous Power of Vulnerability
I don’t believe Jesus Christ unleashed the church on a dying world to work together as emotionally isolated and lonely souls bottling up our hurts and struggles. That just seems so counterintuitive. But then again, vulnerability indicates weakness, and weakness isn’t good. Right? Being vulnerable is a risky necessity to building trust with other believers…
You Can Lead The Way
Consider What You Bring to the Table Isolation is not the goal of a Christian. Our faith is intended to be lived out in community with others. We are not lone monks hiding from the rest of the world, but a community of Christ followers that encourage and inspire others to be Disciples of Jesus. We…
Some Resolutions
You went back to work today and realized you never made any New Year’s Resolutions. You’ve listened to the coworkers who dropped money on gym memberships they won’t use, you heard big talk about diets when you know they’re going to hit Mighty Taco or Chik-fil-A next Tuesday, but still you’re wondering if you should have…
Stay Bitter? This Happens
If you never forgive, and wish only for others to “get what they deserve” you will be just like Jonah. Jonah lives on through history in a very short story in the Bible as the example of how terrible and destructive bitterness can be, and how God will still accomplish his purposes without you while…
There Is Always Hope
The following is part of an ongoing crowdsourced sermon I’ve been developing using my own life experiences and the feedback of others on Facebook and twitter. It’s all about what to do when we have no answers. The introduction can be found here, and the second section is here. There is always hope. It is entirely possible…
Cling To What You Do Know
The following is part of an ongoing crowdsourced sermon I’ve been developing using my own life experiences and the feedback of others on Facebook and twitter. It’s all about what to do when we have no answers. The introduction can be found here. It is entirely possible that you may not get all the answers…
You Better Say It Now…
The following is the introduction from a sermon I’ve pieced together but have not yet preached. Therefore, it will hopefully raise thoughts and questions inside you even while not being the complete sermon. I’d love to hear your feedback on the intro and what thoughts, questions, emotions, or needs it brings to your mind. But…
The Top Five Things I Love About My Leaders (in no particular order)
One thing that is clear to me from being a pastor and leader is how important our teams of leaders and supporters are to what we do in the world. Our leaders are not just a part of the church, they ARE the church. They are not just a part of what we do in…
Radical Grace
I need God’s grace every day. Not just for God to overlook a couple missteps, but radical Grace to cover every thought, motive, and action. But God knew that. Jesus, dying on the cross and rising from the grave, not only changed my eternal outcome but also provides hope to live each day. My hope…
Wash Your Hands
I wash my hands a lot because I am a dad, which means I change a lot of diapers and handle food in rapid succession. I realized today that I make the same mistake every time I wash my hands. I turn on the hot water and start rinsing and by the time my hands…