Running on Empty
You can only get so far when you are “running on empty.” But you can get up and go again once you refill. Keep going. Don’t quit. It gets better. I’m one of those guys that never allows his gas tank to go under half full, but… Recently my son joined a “Blastball” league, and…
My Priorities
Over the years I have settled on some priorities in life that enable me to continuously grow as a husband, dad, and leader. My hope is that every man would consider these priorities to lead well in his family. I understand we all have different personalities and relationship dynamics. Not all men are “Type A” outgoing…
Radical Grace
I need God’s grace every day. Not just for God to overlook a couple missteps, but radical Grace to cover every thought, motive, and action. But God knew that. Jesus, dying on the cross and rising from the grave, not only changed my eternal outcome but also provides hope to live each day. My hope…
Wash Your Hands
I wash my hands a lot because I am a dad, which means I change a lot of diapers and handle food in rapid succession. I realized today that I make the same mistake every time I wash my hands. I turn on the hot water and start rinsing and by the time my hands…
How will I glorify God with the cards I’ve been dealt?
This is a somewhat abridged transcript of a sermon I preached 9/2 titled: “How will I glorify God despite the cards I’ve been dealt?” I’m leaning heavily on some inspiring work already done by such names like the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, CS Lewis, John Piper, and Pastor Mark Driscoll, as well as a fantastic…
When God Overrules Bad Decisions
When God overrules bad decisions, don’t make an equally bad choice as your next decision. I was in a hurry because I needed to use lunchtime for my haircut. I knew all the dangers, all the statistics, and yet I still made a bad choice I knew I would regret: I pulled into the McDonalds parking lot.…
Why I Love Mondays
People ask me all the time why I love Mondays. I love Mondays because they set the tone for the rest of the week. Pastors across the entire country are building off of Sunday which is fresh in our minds, full of stories, feedback, energy, and ideas. Mondays tend to be very productive for me.…
If your world is falling apart, talk to someone.
If your world is falling apart, talk to someone. I’m not writing this to make you feel good. Let’s just get that out of the way. I’m writing this specifically for someone, maybe a few someone’s, even though I truthfully do not know who any of you are. Yes, to a degree I have…
You Graduated!
It is May 2012 and the end is here for so many students. The end of all-nighters (studying and partying), $60 books, tuition fees, “interesting” professors and roommates, weirder work schedules, hours at the library, and sitting/sleeping/texting/emailing/blogging/Facebooking/etc. through lectures. It’s over. You’ve made some incredible friends for life, you’ve changed so much from four (give…
Things That Didn’t Used To Matter But Now Do, Part 1
Here is my first installment of “Things That Didn’t Matter To Me That Now Do (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).” For a complete picture, you also need to see my Top 10 List of Things I Don’t Care About Anymore (Part 1 and Part 2). 1. Consensus: This is mostly for my American audience, as we share…