Life is Fragile
Life is Fragile. I’m reminded of that all the time, so apparently I’d better remember this. On Monday I took my 37 weeks pregnant wife to the hospital, because she fell down a flight of stairs. I found her lying face down at the bottom of the stairs after hearing a loud noise while I…
Through A Mother’s Eye
Words cannot express the level of thanks and gratitude we have for each and every person who took time to pray for our sweet Clare this past week. Our Father heard each and every word lifted up and He showed mercy, mercy which is new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). She had spinal surgery to untether…
My Daughter is Having Surgery
My Daughter is having surgery on her spinal cord on Tuesday, 7/24. She is diagnosed with what is called a Tethered Spine, and a Dermoid. Scary stuff! The surgery will include removing the Dermoid from her lower back and resulting in untethering her spine. The goal is to reduce the danger of infection by removing…
Parenting: My kids do not exist for my benefit
My kids do not exist to make me happy or fill a void in my life. As a parent, I am not looking to my boy to somehow give my life meaning and to my daughter for fulfillment that only God can provide. My role is to help shape him as a man turn him…
Parenting: Sometimes we see painful reminders
There are some people I just can’t understand. Walk through a store like Wal-Mart some time and you’ll generally see at least one parent shouting insults at their child in front of everyone else. I just don’t get that. Everyone’s home life is different, from schedules to relationships. I totally get that and I realize…
Parenting: Being a Parent involves effort
From the first few nights in the hospital room I knew I had work to do. My wife was recuperating, my son was sleeping wrapped in his blankey, and I was the guy hired to greet the nurses that came into the room every half hour or so. I would get up at night when…
Parenting: Since becoming a dad, I’ve learned…
Since becoming a dad, I’ve learned even more that I am not the most important person in my life. I’ve learned more about my role in the lives of other people. I cringe when I hear parents talk about the burden their children are, about how their lives have been changed for the worse and…
Parenting: My responsibilities have changed
While sitting in the first few rows at my church, I once heard a guest speaker named Pastor Mark Driscoll say that this: “…the longer someone is single, the longer they have to learn how to become selfish.” My first thought as a College & Singles Pastor was “Oh man. They’re going to hate him.…
What’s In A Name?
What’s in a name? It depends on who you ask. In Quentin Tarantino’s movie “Pulp Fiction” Butch Coolidge once said that in America, names don’t mean anything (or something similar I won’t repeat here). I’ve always found that interesting, because naming a child is a one shot deal. Throughout the Bible and indeed in many ancient cultures,…