Mentoring: The Top 10 Things I Learned From Bill Ferrell
During my farewell speech at The Heights, I got too choked up to actually say some nice things about my friend and mentor, Bill Ferrell. This blog post will hopefully lay out what I wanted my people to know about him and about mentoring in general. Mentoring doesn’t generally happen within the context of…
The Gospel According to Mass Effect (Spoilers)
(SPOILER ALERT: If you have any desire whatsoever to play any game from the Mass Effect series, I strongly suggest you DO NOT read any further.) Say what you want about video games, but the facts are clear: Mass Effect is bigger than many blockbuster movies from sales to fan base. Overlooking the cultural…
Things That Didn’t Used To Matter But Now Do, Part 3
Here is my third installment of “Things That Didn’t Matter To Me That Now Do (Part 3).” For a complete picture, you also need to see Part 1 and Part 2, as well as my Top 10 List of Things I Don’t Care About Anymore (Part 1 and Part 2). 4. Mercy: I’m so different than I used to be, I really…
Five Iron Frenzy Is Back!
Yesterday Five Iron Frenzy, (one of my favorite bands of all time) announced that they were going to record a new album and start performing live shows again. This is great news, and not just because I can’t stand the Stepford Wives style carbon copies of “cool” and “alternative” bands being forced at me on…
Things That Didn’t Used To Matter But Now Do, Part 2
Here is my second installment of “Things That Didn’t Matter To Me That Now Do (Part 2).” For a complete picture, you also need to see Part 1, and Part 3 as well as my Top 10 List of Things I Don’t Care About Anymore (Part 1 and Part 2). 2. Sleep: Two kids will do that to you. As…
Things That Didn’t Used To Matter But Now Do, Part 1
Here is my first installment of “Things That Didn’t Matter To Me That Now Do (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).” For a complete picture, you also need to see my Top 10 List of Things I Don’t Care About Anymore (Part 1 and Part 2). 1. Consensus: This is mostly for my American audience, as we share…
Parenting: My kids do not exist for my benefit
My kids do not exist to make me happy or fill a void in my life. As a parent, I am not looking to my boy to somehow give my life meaning and to my daughter for fulfillment that only God can provide. My role is to help shape him as a man turn him…