Category: Make Disciples

  • When God Overrules Bad Decisions

    When God overrules bad decisions, don’t make an equally bad choice as your next decision. I was in a hurry because I needed to use lunchtime for my haircut. I knew all the dangers, all the statistics, and yet I still made a bad choice I knew I would regret: I pulled into the McDonalds parking lot.…

  • Life is Fragile

    Life is Fragile. I’m reminded of that all the time, so apparently I’d better remember this. On Monday I took my 37 weeks pregnant wife to the hospital, because she fell down a flight of stairs. I found her lying face down at the bottom of the stairs after hearing a loud noise while I…

  • Making Waves

    If you get in the water, you make waves. Ask anyone who’s ever been at a pool party while three college guys do a coordinated stealth attack featuring belly flops, a canon ball, and that weak upright and indecisive jump into the water we’ve all seen people do. Ask anyone who’s been fishing in a small…

  • Why I Love Mondays

    People ask me all the time why I love Mondays. I love Mondays because they set the tone for the rest of the week. Pastors across the entire country are building off of Sunday which is fresh in our minds, full of stories, feedback, energy, and ideas. Mondays tend to be very productive for me.…

  • Through A Mother’s Eye

    Words cannot express the level of thanks and gratitude we have for each and every person who took time to pray for our sweet Clare this past week. Our Father heard each and every word lifted up and He showed mercy, mercy which is new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). She had spinal surgery to untether…

  • My Daughter is Having Surgery

    My Daughter is having surgery on her spinal cord on Tuesday, 7/24. She is diagnosed with what is called a Tethered Spine, and a Dermoid. Scary stuff! The surgery will include removing the Dermoid from her lower back and resulting in untethering her spine. The goal is to reduce the danger of infection by removing…

  • If your world is falling apart, talk to someone.

      If your world is falling apart, talk to someone. I’m not writing this to make you feel good. Let’s just get that out of the way. I’m writing this specifically for someone, maybe a few someone’s, even though I truthfully do not know who any of you are. Yes, to a degree I have…

  • Text Messages

    Did you ever experience that moment when you receive a text message from someone obviously meant for someone else? Most of us can relate; we get a message that was supposed to be from one friend to another friend, or even better, one friend to their spouse. Sometimes it takes us a minute to understand what is…

  • I Want To Give You The Credit For This

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. The more I watch other people racing to take credit or basking in applause and accolades, the less I realize I want any of it. We all hate when someone filibusters during a discussion to take a rabbit…

  • I’d Love To Be There, But The Answer Is NO

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. I used to think if I wasn’t at every event it would look like I wasn’t on top of things or could get accused of showing favoritism or whatever. I just don’t care anymore. I can’t be out…