Category: Equipping Leaders

  • Get It Together: You Don’t Have To Be Late

    Yesterday I laid out what we communicate to others when we are late. Today I’m encouraging you to take steps to manage life like a boss. Maybe even like your boss. Unless your boss is this guy. Pick a calendar that works for you. Everyone has a smartphone now. My iPhone has a calendar function…

  • Get It Together: Are You Always Late?

    I hate being late. I hate it because it portrays a lack of concern on my end for the person or meeting I am late for. I wasn’t always like this. I used to approach life moment to moment in the era before iPhones and Social Media. Along the way, I learned some huge lessons…

  • Do’s And Don’ts of Small Groups (5 of 5)

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Small Groups: DON’T: Assume childcare is no big deal. The absolute dumbest thing you can do is claim small groups (or any other meeting for that matter) are essential and vital to your mission, and follow up with the phrase “childcare will not be provided.” Childcare is a really big…

  • Just Shut Up And Listen

    Just shut up and listen. Just a for a moment. If you want to see this dark world change, then light it up. Go to it. Don’t sit around in a church building and wait for the masses to come to you for answers. If you’re spending all your time with Christians, you probably don’t…

  • Mentoring Lessons: Part 5 of 5

    This post is an excerpt from a previous post titled Mentoring: The Top Ten Things I Learned From Bill Ferrell. Each day this week i will repost two of the top ten mentoring lessons I learned. Enjoy! Mentoring doesn’t generally happen within the context of official programmed ministries, but rather through relationships. An example of this is the…

  • Mentoring Lessons: Part 4 of 5

    This post is an excerpt from a previous post titled Mentoring: The Top Ten Things I Learned From Bill Ferrell. Each day this week i will repost two of the top ten mentoring lessons I learned. Enjoy! Mentoring doesn’t generally happen within the context of official programmed ministries, but rather through relationships. An example of this is the…

  • Mentoring Lessons: Part 3 of 5

    This post is an excerpt from a previous post titled Mentoring: The Top Ten Things I Learned From Bill Ferrell. Each day this week i will repost two of the top ten mentoring lessons I learned. Enjoy! Mentoring doesn’t generally happen within the context of official programmed ministries, but rather through relationships. An example of this is the…

  • Mentoring Lessons: Part 2 of 5

    This post is an excerpt from a previous post titled Mentoring: The Top Ten Things I Learned From Bill Ferrell. Each day this week i will repost two of the top ten mentoring lessons I learned. Enjoy! Mentoring doesn’t generally happen within the context of official programmed ministries, but rather through relationships. An example of this is the…

  • Mentoring Lessons, Part 1 of 5

    This post is an excerpt from a previous post titled Mentoring: The Top Ten Things I Learned From Bill Ferrell. Each day this week i will repost two of the top ten mentoring lessons I learned. Enjoy! Mentoring doesn’t generally happen within the context of official programmed ministries, but rather through relationships. An example of this is…

  • The Top Five Things I Love About My Leaders (in no particular order)

    One thing that is clear to me from being a pastor and leader is how important our teams of leaders and supporters are to what we do in the world. Our leaders are not just a part of the church, they ARE the church. They are not just a part of what we do in…