We Are Free In Christ: Because of Who He Is, And What He Has Done
Every year I take my entire family to our city’s Saint Patrick’s Day parade. We dress up in green, bring some snacks and watch the parade floats go by, occasionally catching free goodies they throw into the crowd. I love it because it is a good time, but there is something more to it than that. As an Irish American, Saint Patrick’s Day connects me to something bigger than just myself. It’s something my entire family shares, and a heritage that goes back beyond memory.
We all want to identify with something greater than ourselves. For some it is a sports team, or a political party, or a career. The ancient Colossians found something greater when the Apostle Paul wrote to them about who Jesus was and what He had done. The same message is true to us: We are Free in Christ: because of who He is, and what He has done.
I cannot wait to open up the Book of Colossians with you. Will you join me? We have just six Thursday nights to learn what it was that Paul considered the most important thing you’ll ever read. Each week we get to open up Colossians and download what it was that the Apostle Paul considered the most important thing you will ever read. We will meet at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, TX, upstairs in the Treehouse, at 6:30pm – 8:00pm for a message and an optional time of small group breakout discussion. What Paul wrote is for everyone; we do not have childcare but your students are welcome!
Thursday October 2 (Week 1) Colossians 1:1 – 14; Jesus Rescues and Restores
Thursday October 9 (Week 2) Colossians 1:15 – 2:5; Jesus is Our Hope, Now and Forever
Thursday October 16 (Week 3) Colossians 2:6 – 15; We Are Free In Christ: Because of Who He Is, And What He Has Done
Thursday October 23 (Week 4) Colossians 2:16 – 23; Jesus Freed Us From All Those Rules.
Thursday October 30 (Week 5) Colossians 3:1 – 17; Set your mind on Jesus.
Thursday November 6 (Week 6) Colossians 4:2 – 6; Live In Grace, Wisely.