Here are some free tips for being a parent of three kids.
When you sit down in an unknown damp substance, you need to roll with it. Finish feeding your 8 month old while the other two are eating. Resist the urge to run to your bedroom and change. Otherwise, the 2 year old will try and change her own diaper again while the 4 year old relocates 9 bins of toys from his bedroom to the kitchen.
When your 2 year old changes her own diaper, roll the dice that she won’t use the bedroom hallway as a bathroom and check the area for any undocumented foreign matter that may have escaped. Diapers work best when they’re still on your child, and work much like the sling David used to kill Goliath when swung about by small people.
Be Strategic About TV Time, since nobody wants to leave the TV on all day. Research has proven that even large mobs of toddler protesters can be placated by the combination of a television, surround sound, and Netflix. While the crowd is distracted, you can clean an entire room, including a kitchen, bedroom, or family room. You may also change your clothes at this time. Our experts suggest all TV time be scheduled to coincide with serious tasks that must be accomplished over a short time period.